Saturday, April 04, 2009


heard these 2 really good riddles from weiqin:

(highlight the area below the text for the answer!)

What's the tallest mountain before Mount Everest?
It was... still Mount Everest la. just that the mountain wasn't named or discovered yet.

How many months have 28 days?
The answer isn't 1.

12 months la. every month has 28 days what.

heh i like the 2nd one better cos... i solved it. haha

ug, the weather is freaking hot? my fan is on full blast and im still sweating. humid i guess. gasp.
ok i actually had a blogging feel when i started this entry, but i got distracted to go play game then when i came back.. like nothign to write already. so. ha. sorry , another time. byebye time to meet bestie.